Master's of Education - Differentiation of Instruction

Meeting the Challenges of Autism
Meeting the Challenges of Autism $419.00
Work Smarter Not Harder
Work Smarter Not Harder $419.00
The Culturally Aware Educator
The Culturally Aware Educator $419.00
Exploring Restorative Discipline
Exploring Restorative Discipline $419.00
Poverty and Education
Poverty and Education $419.00
Motivation That Works
Motivation That Works $419.00
Creating a Growth Mindset Classroom
Creating a Growth Mindset Classroom $419.00
Organizing the Unorganized Student
Organizing the Unorganized Student $419.00
Reaching the Gifted
Reaching the Gifted $419.00
Differentiating Your Classroom
Differentiating Your Classroom $419.00
Teaching the Dyslexic Student
Teaching the Dyslexic Student $419.00
Teaching For Retention And Memory
Teaching For Retention And Memory $419.00
Stop The Bullying Epidemic
Stop The Bullying Epidemic $419.00
Vigilant Classroom Management
Vigilant Classroom Management $419.00
Using Stories to Teach Math
Using Stories to Teach Math $419.00

In the fall of 2019, CSU-Pueblo will begin offering their first online M.Ed. program, with an emphasis on Curriculum and Instruction. This graduate degree breaks down into three parts: Core Requirements (11 hours), Pedagogy Requirements (9 hours), and Curriculum & Instruction Emphasis (18 hours). 

Students who have taken courses from The Educator’s Place in the past through CSU-Pueblo’s TEP program may already have credits that apply to this degree, especially in the Curriculum & Instruction Emphasis area. Any ED 501 courses we have offered in partnership with CSU-Pueblo in the last six years will count toward those required 18 hours.

The Pedagogy Requirements fall into three categories: Instructional Technology, Differentiation of Instruction, and Literacy Education; students are required to have 3 credits in each of those Pedagogy categories for a total of 9 credits. 

Participants in the online M.Ed. program through CSU-Pueblo will be able to fulfill their Differentiation of Instruction requirement with any of the courses in this category.